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[TianBa] Iris & Polly Limited Ordering Period

Ordering period final date: September 20, 2023

TianBa is a Chinese artist who is widely regarded as one of the best face-up artists and eyemakers in the entire hobby, they are responsible for designing official looks for dolls from some of the biggest brands and are often tapped for collaborations. Now, they’ve just released their first sculpts! Iris and Polly are heads that are intended for 1/3 scale (SD size) bodies of any gender.

Iris and Polly are only available as heads. An order of either sculpt will include an open eyes ver. faceplate, a sleeping faceplate, and a headback. They can be ordered in white, pink, normal, light tan, moon gray, and dark tan resins, with the price being equal for all resin colors.

TianBa is offering the option to purchase face-up and eyes bundles for their sculpts. There are four different face-up styles to choose from, each face-up bundle will include a pair of TianBa’s handmade premium resin eyes.

The price tags associated with TianBa’s face-ups are much higher than what is seen on company face-ups, this is due to the labor intensity and skill level of TianBa’s face-ups; it is normally very difficult to book a TianBa face-up due to all of their slots filling up within seconds each time they open up commissions.

It is currently unknown whether TianBa will re-release Iris and Polly, and if they do, whether they’ll offer face-up services for them again.

To see more of TianBa’s work, please check out their Instagram!