Event final date: September 10, 2021
DF-H has released anime-style dolls! These new types of dolls are available in two sizes, 1/6 scale (YoSD size) and 1/4 scale (MSD size). During their release event, the anime-style dolls are all discounted by 21%, and ordering any will include gift option parts as follows:
- 1/6 scale (Pururu and Rulala): Gift pair of heel feet and gift pair of Type 1: KIRA Hands
- 1/4 scale (Rica, Riq, Ryo and Pas): Gift pair of Type 1: Carrying Hands and gift pair of Type 2: Peace Hands
The 1/6 scale sculpts are Pururu and Rulala. They are released with a new body type and a bunch of different gesture hands. Pururu and Rulala’s mouths are painted on; like many anime-style dolls they don’t have sculpted mouths. This allows for both more versatility in customization as well as a better approximation of the anime style.

The new 1/4 scale anime-style dolls are Rica, Riq, Ryo and Pas. Rica and Ryo are actually the same head sculpt, and like Pururu and Rulala their head sculpt doesn’t have a sculpted mouth. Riq and Pas both have sculpted mouths however. The 1/4 scale anime-style dolls are released with a new body type, the chubby 1/4 scale body.
In addition to DF-H’s standard range of resin colors, the 1/4 scale anime-style dolls can be ordered in new resin colors known as Milk, Latte and Mocha, colors that have been formulated to match Volks semi-white, normal and tan.
The new body types for the anime-style dolls are available in male and female types. The new bodies and new option parts can be ordered separately.
Chubby 1/6 Body
Chubby 1/4 Body
Chubby 1/6 Hands and Feet
Chubby 1/4 Hands