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[Ringdoll] Winslet Release Event

Event final date: May 30, 2022

Ringdoll has released Winslet, the Steel Nurse! She is a Ring Teenager (1/3 scale, SD size). Winslet is not limited. During her release event, her basic doll is discounted by $30 and her fullset is discounted by $60. Ordering Winslet during her release event will include a gift pack of doll accessories.

Winslet is available in white and normal skins. Her fullset does not include the wings, which can be added on to a fullset or a basic doll.


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[Dream Valley] The Whisperer in Darkness Event, 4 Fullsets to be Discontinued, Purple Resin Open

Event final date: May 6, 2022

Dream Valley’s new event is named in honor their newest release: the Whisperer in the Darkness, Satyr! This unique tentacled boy is 1/4 scale (MSD size). He is available in a fantasy version (limited) and a human version (unlimited). Both versions come with the removable eldritch crown and are discounted by 12% during this event. The discount should apply automatically at checkout, if it doesn’t please let us know.

Satyr’s fantasy version head has a “romantic” expression (eyes partially closed) while Satyr’s human version head has eyes fully open.

It is possible to order Satyr’s fantasy version as a single color (white, normal, pink, light tan, gray or purple), as “color matching A” (upper body white, tentacles gray) or as “color matching B” (upper body white, tentacles purple). The crown would be the same color as the upper body in color matching A and B. Other color combinations are not accepted.

Ordering Satyr’s fantasy version as a nude doll or fullset will include a gift of the human version version head. Ordering Satyr’s human version as a nude doll or fullset will include a pair of new gesture hands for the human body B4-04.

Satyr’s fantasy and human version outfits are available for order separately during this event. After this event, the outfits will no longer be available for order.

This event’s pets are Happy and Pocky, two little friends here to light up the darkness. They are event-limited and discounted by 12% as well. The discount should apply automatically at checkout, if it doesn’t please let us know.

Happy has a toothy grin while Pocky has a small smile. Both have clear resin for their “fires”. Their “wicks” are removable.

Dream Valley is discontinuing the fullsets of four of their 1/3 scale (SD size) dolls: Belinda, Cecelia, Athos and Elias. This event is the final chance to order those fullsets, which are discounted by 10%.

Last but not least, purple resin makes a return during this event. All of Dream Valley’s products can be ordered in purple resin during this event.

As always, it’s possible to order anything available from Dream Valley even if the item(s) you’d like to order isn’t on our site yet. To order something not on our site, simply contact us! We’d be happy to set up your order via e-mail or add your desired item(s) to the site.

Satyr (tentacle version)
Satyr (human version version)

CT-19 (Satyr Tentacle Version Outfit)
C4-33 (Satyr Human Version Outfit)


Dream Valley on BJDivas
Dream Valley Official English Site

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[WITHdoll] 2022 Spring Event

Event final date: April 15, 2022

WITHdoll is having an event to celebrate the coming of spring! During this event, all of their basic editions are discounted by 10%. In addition, three limited edition dolls are re-released and also discounted by 10%: Ash the Elf Hunter, Cecily the Polluted Girl, and Margery the Duchess. All of the limited edition dolls are available with their official accessories.

Ash is 1/4 scale (MSD size), Cecily and Margery are 1/3 scale (SD size). During their re-release, all three have their official accessories available for order as well.

As always, you can order anything available from WITHdoll through us even if the item(s) you’d like to order isn’t on our website yet. To order something not on our site, simply contact us! We’ll be happy to add the items you’d like to our site or set up your order through e-mail.

WITHdoll on BJDivas
WITHdoll Official Site

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[Ringdoll] Decree Dog (D.D) Release Event

Event final date: April 30, 2022

Ringdoll’s newest release is a cyberpunk boy with the name, “Decree Dog”. Decree Dog has a robot head that lights up as well as a human head. He is not limited, however during his release event he’s discounted, and fullset orders will include a gift set of various doll care items.

Decree Dog is a Ring Teenager (1/3 scale, SD size). His cyborg parts (head, arm, hand) are only available with the fullset. By default, his fullset includes the purple-themed outfit, however he has two additional outfits that’s available for purchase: white and multicolor.

Decree Dog (D.D)
RC60-126 (Decree Dog’s Other Outfits)

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[Miracle Doll] Zhi Shen (68cm Muscular Female) Limited Ordering Period

Ordering period final date: March 15, 2022

NOTE: This post includes doll nudity.

Miracle Doll has released a new big girl: Zhi Shen! Zhi Shen is 68cm tall and debuts with a muscular body, which can be purchased by itself. Zhi Shen is being released in limited pre-order periods, the first of which ends on March 15, 2022. Orders during her first ordering period will include gift option hands and feet. Future ordering periods of Zhi Shen are expected to be higher-priced and not include these gifts.

This lady has more than killer abs, there’s muscle definition in her back, legs, and arms as well.

Makeup services and accessories are not available for Zhi Shen. She can be ordered in Miracle Doll’s usual offering of skin colors: normal pink, white, normal yellow, gray, and tan. She can also be ordered in semi-white, which is close to Volks semi-white, and light tan, which is similar to Soom tawny.

Zhi Shen
68cm Female Body (muscular)

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[Gem of Doll] Goddesses of Fate Verdandi & Skuld Limited Fullsets, 15% Discount Until Feb 28

Discount final date: February 28, 2022
Limited fullsets: 80 each worldwide

Gem of Doll has released two new dolls in their Norse Mythology series, Goddess of Fate Verdandi and Goddess of Fate Skuld! Both goddesses are 1/3 scale (SD size). Their basic/nude dolls are not limited, however their fullsets are quantity-limited to 80 sets worldwide for each.

Verdandi and Skuld are available in white and normal pink skin colors. It is possible to order a nude/blank doll with face-up. The fullset includes body blushing.

Both the basic/nude and fullset versions of Verdandi and Skuld are discounted by 15% until February 28, 2022.

Please note: The 15% discount should apply automatically at checkout. If it doesn’t, please let us know.

Verdandi, Goddess of Fate
Skuld, Goddess of Fate

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[Soul Doll] Limited Doll: Ah-In (Angel ver.)

Ordering period final date: January 31, 2022

Soul Doll has released a new boy, Ah-In! Ah-In belongs to the Zenith line, which is Soul Doll’s 1/3 scale (SD size). Ah-In comes in two versions, the angel version and the urban style version.

Ah-In (Angel ver.) is time-limited and will no longer be available after Jan 31, 2022. He is available in Soul Doll’s usual two resin colors of new white and normal as well as the limited new tan, Moonlight Brown.

Ah-In (Urban style ver.) is not limited. He is available only in new white and normal.

Ah-In (Angel ver.)
Ah-In (Urban style ver.)

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[Soul Doll] New Fantasy Skin Zenith Girls Limited Ordering Period

Ordering period final date: January 31, 2022

For a limited time, Soul Doll is offering their new fantasy skin color for all of their Zenith Girl dolls. The new fantasy skin is the tan skin as shown on Swinte – Elf Ver (limited).

Zenith Girls are 1/3 scale (SD size). Makeup services and accessories are not available for this special skin ordering period.

See more photos of the Zenith girls here.

Zenith Girls (new fantasy skin)

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[Soul Doll] Swinte – Elf Ver. (Limited) Release Event

Event final date: January 31, 2022

Ordering period final date: February 2, 2022

Soul Doll has just released Swinte – Elf Ver., their latest Concept Art Doll! What this means is that Swinte – Elf Ver. and all of her accessories are time-limited and will no longer be available after her ordering period closes.

Swinte – Elf Ver. is shown on a new tan skin that is also available for a limited time. During Swinte – Elf Ver.’s release event, the special tan skin is discounted by 50%.

Swinte – Elf Ver. is a Zenith girl, which is Soul Doll’s 1/3 scale (SD size).

Swinte – Elf Ver. (Limited)

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[DollZone] New Limited Dolls Beatrice & Darlene Release Event

Release Event final date: November 16, 2021

Ordering period final date: November 30, 2021

DollZone has released Beatrice and Darlene, two spooky girls for the spooky season! Beatrice and Darlene are time-limited and will be discontinued after Nov 30, 2021. Their fullsets are quantity-limited to 20 sets worldwide, with only 5 sets allocated to overseas.

Beatice and Darlene are 1/3 scale (SD size). Their release event lasts until Nov 16, 2021, during which all orders of them are discounted by 12%. Also during their release event, orders of Darlene fullset will receive a gift pair of high-heeled feet and orders of Beatrice fullset will receive a gift pair of flat feet. Orders of both fullsets will receive a gift of a Hotaru nude doll.

While DollZone’s customization for Beatrice and Darlene are spooky, their face sculpts are just as suitable for other customization styles.

Please note: The 12% discount should apply automatically to your order at checkout. If it doesn’t, please let us know.

Beatrice & Darlene