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[Coral Reef Doll] Mimia Limited Ordering Period

Ordering period final date: April 16, 2024

Coral Reef has released a little pirate girl, Mimia! Mimia is 1/6 scale (YoSD size). Her pirate versions are time-limited and will no longer be available after her ordering period closes. Her head and human version are not limited.

Mimia can be ordered as nude doll with a normal human body, as nude doll with pirate parts, or as fullset. Please note that Mimia’s fullset does not include the wig. She can be ordered in white, MIA white, pink-normal, old blue, gray, or light tan resins. Old blue resin is a grayish-blue that was first released with White Rabbit and Red Rabbit.

It is possible to order Mimia’s head and outfit separately. This is the only release of Mimia’s outfit, so it’s likely it’s the only time that her fullset will be available as well.

Mimia (head)
Mimia’s Outfit

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[Coral Reef Doll] Amber & Opal Re-release, New Styles + Mantis Pet

Ordering period final date: February 29, 2024

Coral Reef Doll has re-released their first ever dolls! Mantis girls Amber and Opal are back with amazing new styling and resin color options.

Amber and Opal are 1/4 scale (MSD size), Amber has 4 eyes and Opal as 2 eyes. They can be ordered as nude dolls or semi-fullsets, the semi-fullsets do NOT include the wigs. Unlike the first release, Amber and Opal’s wigs can be ordered, but only as add-ons to the purchase of a semi-fullset. The wigs are also are quantity-limited to 15 units worldwide.

Opal’s original styling is also re-released, however Amber is only available with her new style. Unlike the original release, Opal’s wig can be ordered as an addition to the purchase of her semi-fullset. Amber’s original wig can be ordered, but only as an addition to the purchase of a nude doll in red resin. These wigs are also quantity-limited to 15 units worldwide.

Opal’s semi-fullsets can only be ordered in white resin. Amber’s semi-fullset can only be ordered in pink resin. Nude dolls can choose between resin colors white, red, green, pink, taro milk, and taro purple. The pink resin option is an actual pink and is the color shown in Amber’s new semi-fullset, it is not a normal pink skin that is generally associated with the skin color choice of “pink”.

The original optional resin accessories for Amber and Opal are available again, with the addition of new hands and feet options. Amber and Opal come with ballet feet by default, but it’s possible to add flat feet, heel feet, super high-heel feet for them. The two mantis girls come with mantis claws by default, but it’s possible to order human hands for them, as well as three different gesture hand types. Opal comes with transparent wings by default, but it’s possible to order opaque wings and Amber’s arthropod spikes for her. Amber comes with arthropod spikes by default, but it’s possible to order opaque wings and Opal’s transparent wings for her. These parts can also be ordered separately.

It is possible to order Opal’s original outfit and new outfit separately, as well as Amber’s new outfit. The new outfit includes the shoes. It is no longer possible to order Opal’s original shoes separately, the order of her outfit separately does not include shoes.

The Mantis Pets are adorable small dolls that can be ordered as an add-on to the purchase of an Opal or Amber nude doll or fullset. ONLY THROUGH US can they also be ordered separately. There are three make-up options for the Mantis Pet, and they only come in white resin with transparent wings.

Amber/Opal Re-Release Event

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[Coral Reef Doll] Mie-mie Limited Ordering Period

Ordering period final date: January 18, 2024

Coral Reef Doll’s newest release is Mie-mie, an adorable anthro sheep! Mie-mie is 1/6 scale (YoSD size) and is time-limited.

Mie-mie has four different face types: open eyes, open eyes with sculpted eyelashes, closed eyes, and closed eyes with sculpted eyelashes. It is possible to order Mie-mie as a basic doll or as two fullset types. Fullset A is the one with the doll in MIA white resin and fullset B is the one with the doll in Mangosteen resin. Fullset A can only be ordered with an open eyes type head but you can choose between the one with the sculpted eyelashes or without the sculpted eyelashes. Fullset B can only be ordered with a closed eyes type head but you can choose between the one with the sculpted eyelashes or without the sculpted eyelashes.

Mangosteen is a new resin color from Coral Reef and is a purple-black color evocative of the fruit that it is named after. The basic doll can be ordered in white, MIA white, pink-normal, old blue, and mangosteen resins. Please note that due to the difficulty of producing mangosteen resin, mangosteen basic sets are limited to 30 units worldwide and fullset B is limited to 30 units worldwide.

It is not possible to order make-up for Mie-mie outside of fullsets. Mie-mie’s outfit can be ordered as an add-on with the purchase of a basic set or a fullset. Additional option parts that can be ordered for Mie-mie are human hands, human legs and feet, and cat legs and feet.


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[Coral Reef Doll] Swan (angel version) Fullset Limited Ordering Period

Ordering period final date: December 13, 2023

When Coral Reef Doll showed an alternate styling of their latest release Swan, many customers asked if that version will be available for ordering, so Coral Reef made it available for ordering! Swan’s angel version features a pale gown and a long wig, with lighter makeup than her cygnus-themed versions.

Please note that the wig included with this fullset is the straight (not curly) version of what is shown in the angel version photos.

Swan’s angel version is time-limited to the same period as her cygnus versions. She can be ordered in the same skin color options: white, MIA white, porcelain gray, and light tan.

Swan (angel version) Fullset

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[Coral Reef Doll] White Swan and Black Swan Limited Ordering Period + Limited Quantity Fullsets

Limited fullset quantity: 20 each worldwide

Ordering period final date: December 13, 2023

This post includes doll nudity.

Coral Reef Doll just released two new 1/4 scale (MSD size) girls, Black Swan and White Swan! The head sculpt is the same between the two, their fullsets are just styled differently. Swan is time-limited and will no longer be available after her ordering period closes. Each of her fullsets is quantity-limited to 20 sets worldwide.

Swan can be ordered as the “normal-set”, which is the nude/blank version with just her head and body, as the “special-set” (labeled as nude doll in both the Black Swan and White Swan listings), which includes the normal-set plus wings, the resin high-heel shoes, and the resin swan head adornment, and as either the Black or White fullset. Please note that the fullsets do NOT include the wig, the wig needs to be ordered separately.

Swan is available in white, MIA white, porcelain gray, and light tan resins. Her outfits and wig can be ordered separately. It is possible to order a face-up for the blank dolls. There are three types of option hands and four types of option feet that can be added to any order of the Swan doll.

Swan is released on a new body, which shares the elegant and graceful aesthetic of the old body but with updated details and engineering.

White Swan
Black Swan
Swan (normal-set)

White Swan’s Outfit
Black Swan’s Outfit
Swan’s Wig

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[Coral Reef Doll] Illusion Ordering Period, Very Limited Fullset Quantities

Ordering period final date: September 20, 2023

Limited quantity amounts: 3 for each type of fullset worldwide, 20 for basic set worldwide

Coral Reef Doll has released another stunning new work! Illusion is a 1/4 scale (MSD size) torso stand with three different fullsets. All of the fullsets and blank torso stand sets are quantity-limited.

The blank torso stand set can be ordered in white, MIA white, and pink-normal resins. The fullsets are only available with the default resin color shown in their promotional images.

It is possible to order Illusion’s head separately. The head includes a pair of antennae. It is also possible to order a human version full doll of Illusion, featuring Coral Reef’s new 1/4 scale female body that is a collaboration work with Whale Island. Neither Illusion’s head nor human version is quantity-limited, however they are time-limited to this ordering period. The head can only be ordered in the three resin colors that the blank torso stand set is available in, but the human version Illusion can be ordered in white, MiA white, pink-white, pink-normal, gray, old blue, and new blue resins. Old blue is a less saturated blue and new blue is a light blue.

Additional option parts can be ordered for all versions of Illusion. The torso stand configurations can add on another four wings in non-transparent resin or transparent resin, and all versions of Illusion can add on a pair of non-transparent antennae or transparent antennae.

Illusion Torso Stand Fullset A [LE 3]
Illusion Torso Stand Fullset B [LE 3]
Illusion Torso Stand Fullset C [LE 3]
Illusion Torso Stand (BLANK) [LE 20]

Illusion (Head)
Illusion (human ver.)

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[Coral Reef Doll] Caroline Limited Ordering Period

Fullsets limited quantity: 20 sets worldwide

Outfit ordering period final date: June 18, 2023

Coral Reef Doll has released a new girl, Caroline! Caroline is 1/4 scale (MSD size).

Caroline is not limited, however her fullset is quantity-limited to 20 sets worldwide. Her outfit is also limited, but it is time-limited and will no longer be available after Jun 18th.

It is possible to order Caroline’s head separately.

It is not possible to order Caroline’s wig separately, and it’s not possible to order her face-up outside of a fullset.

Caroline can be ordered in the following skin colors: white, mia white, pink-white, and pink-normal. She can be ordered with a small bust or a large bust.

Caroline (head)
Caroline’s Outfit
1/4 High Heel Shoes

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[Coral Reef Doll] Red Rabbit & White Rabbit Limited Ordering Period

Ordering period final date: April 16, 2023

This post contains horror imagery.

Coral Reef Doll has just released a pair of adorable bunny girls who each have a dark secret. Red Rabbit and White Rabbit are 1/6 scale (YoSD size) and are time-limited to a short 12 day ordering period.

Red Rabbit has closed eyes, tiny little fangs, a scar on her chest, and a rose for her tail. Her face hides a skull underneath.

White Rabbit has open eyes and a bitey plant tail. Her face hides a man-eating plant.

It is possible to order the outfits of either rabbit separately. Their heads are not available for order separately, however their bodies are available for order separately.

Red Rabbit and White Rabbit are available in the following resin colors: white, pink-white, pink-normal, and blue.

Red Rabbit
White Rabbit

Rabbit Body

Red Rabbit’s Outfit
White Rabbit’s Outfit

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[Coral Reef Doll] ONE Limited Ordering Period

Ordering period final date: April 18, 2023

Coral Reef Doll has released another stunningly unique girl! ONE combines sci fi and fantasy themes as a cyborg centaur, all the while showing off Coral Reef’s delicate and high attention to detail sculpting style.

ONE is 1/4 scale (MSD size). There are two fullset versions available for her: a pristine just out of the factory look, and an abandoned and forgotten rusted look. She is of course also available as a nude/blank doll. A set of transparent belly, horn, and forehead parts will be included with all orders.

ONE has a human version head that can only be ordered as an add-on to the order of a doll. It is also possible to order an extra set of blank joint parts (elbows and knees), as these parts experience the most activity from posing, which leads to makeup wearing down on those parts. These extra joint parts can be swapped in if you anticipate playing with your ONE a lot, or can be customized by you to give ONE a OOAK look.

ONE is available in white, pink-white, and gray resins. Gray is limited to 50 dolls worldwide.

ONE is time-limited and will no longer be available after her ordering period closes.

ONE Type A
ONE Type B

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[Coral Reef Doll] Red Queen Iracebeth & White Queen Mirana Limited Fullsets

Fullsets and outfits final ordering date: January 3, 2023

Coral Reef Doll’s latest release is two 1/4 scale (MSD size) queens, Iracebeth and Mirana. Iracebeth is the Red Queen and Mirana is the White Queen. While both girls are not limited, their fullsets are time-limited and will no longer be available after January 3, 2023.

Iracebeth and Mirana are released with a new 1/4 scale body, which can be ordered separately. It is possible to order both queens’ heads separately, as well as their eyes. The outfits are also available for order separately, however they are also time-limited to the same period as the fullsets. The queens’ wigs and crowns are not available for order separately, those can only be obtained as part of the fullsets.

Red Queen Iracebeth
Iracebeth (head)
Iracebeth’s Outfit
Iracebeth’s Eyes

White Queen Mirana
Mirana (head)
Mirana’s Outfit
Mirana’s Eyes

Queens’ Body