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[BJD Gravity] New Doll Peach, All Products Open

Order period closes: September 28, 2020

After a long hiatus, BJD Gravity has opened orders again!

They’ve just released a new boy, Peach, as well as a new wig and two new outfits.


Like all of BJD Gravity’s dolls, Peach is 1/4 scale (MSD size).

Wig No.5
Wig No. 5
Outfit Set No.16
Outfit No. 16
Outfit Set No.17
Outfit No. 17

Check out all of BJD Gravity’s adorable boys!

It is possible to order all of them as full dolls or heads only. Face-up is available.

BJD Gravity

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[BJD Gravity] New Dolls Released, Head Only Orders Open

Order period: August 16, 2019 — August 31, 2019

BJD Gravity has released five new heads!

Honey Ver. 1

In addition, it is now possible to order only the heads of all of these dolls, including those of the older dolls, Mint and Chocolate! 😀

Don’t forget to check out the new outfit, wig and eyes that have been released with the new dolls!

BJD Gravity

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New Company [BJD Gravity], “Mint” Limited Ordering Period

BJD Gravity is a new brand launched by the artist siblings, Bora and Bomi. You might know them already from their work with Immortality of Soul.

Their first doll, Mint, is now available for order! Mint is a 1/4 (MSD) size boy. Also available are wig, eyes, and outfit options for Mint.

 – 1st reservation : 2019.5.11 ~ 2019.5.31
 – Shipping : 2019.7.31 ~ 2019.8.15

Mint’s body is entirely new.

Mint uses 8.3 mm eyes, which BJD Gravity provides. Since resin eyes of this small size also happen to be difficult to find, BJD Gravity is a great new resource for them!

BJD Gravity