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[Ringdoll] Ramesses II Release Event

Event final date: January 10, 2025

Ringdoll has released another BJD interpretation of a historical figure, Ramesses II! This doll is inspired by the Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses the Great.

Ramesses II comes on the 75cm version of Ringdoll’s newest grown body, RGMbody-07. He can be ordered in white, normal, light tan, or tan resins. Please note that his fullset does not include the weapons, crown, or masks; these need to be ordered in addition. It’s also possible to order an alternative light blond wavy wig that is shown in some of Ramesses II’s product pictures.

During Ramesses II’s release event, both his nude doll and fullset are discounted. His additional accessories are discounted during this time as well. Ordering Ramesses II’s fullset during his release event will include a gift random wig.

Ramesses II’s fullset does not appear to be limited, however Ringdoll did announce sudden discontinuations of the fullsets of previous historically-inspired dolls.

Ramesses II