DF-H Xiao Chan


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SKU: DFH1/5XiaoChan Categories: ,


Face-up A is the faceup that’ll be done by original artist, face-up B is a similar faceup done by another faceup artist.

Eye Size: 12-14 mm
Height: 35.5 cm
Head Circumference: 17.5 cm
Neck Circumference: 6.1 cm
Shoulder Width: 7.5 cm
Chest Circumference: 14 cm
Waist Circumference: 12 cm
Hip Circumference: 15.5 cm
Arm Length: 10.5 cm
Leg Length: 17 cm
Thigh Circumference: 9.2 cm
Foot Length: 4 cm
Foot Width: 1.7 cm