Loong Soul Spring Fairy – GouMang


Skin Color

Add Face-up?

Add Body Blushing?

Product price: $545.00
Total options: $0.00
Order total: $545.00

SKU: LSGouMang Categories: ,


[Category] (3)Elegant(63~68)
[Gender] ♂
[Height] 68cm
[Head] 20.5cm
[Eye] 16mm
[Full include] GouMang, Wig WG3-1013, Eyes LH1012 (16mm), Outfit 68GC-0019 (shoes included), Certification head plate, Authentication plate, Birth certificate, Mask, Official box
[Model Skin] French white

Spring Fairy-GouMang

50 Fullsets Limited
Release Date: 16th May, 2019

From 16th May, 2019 to 16th June, 2019,


Event A: 12% off for GouMang fullset and a Jade Ritual Tablet as free gift;

Event B: 12% off for GouMang basic set and accessories, and one jade tablet ($36) available for each GouMang order;

Event C: 10% off for orders only with GouMang outfit.

PS: The Jade Ritual Tablet does not participate in any events. The event A/B/C does not combine with each other or other events. JuMang’s oufit only participate in Event C.


*Skin Color*

French yellow\French white



Basic set: $545

Fullset (face-up and body blushing not included): $800


*Optional Parts*

Wig: WG3-1013: $36 (Sold with fullset)

Eyes: LH-1012 (16mm): $24

Outfit: 68GC-0019 (Shoes included): $200

Make-up A: $60

Body blushing (defaulted light): $40

Jade Ritual Tablet (FH007): $36 (Sold with GouMang)