Wanderlust Doll Sparkie The Dragon – Cheeky ver (15cm) ✨


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Product price: $150.00
Total options: $0.00
Order total: $150.00

SKU: WLDSparkieCheeky Categories: ,



  • Height: 15.5cm
  • Eye Size: 12-14mm
  • Skin Tones: Chalk White, Moon Grey and Shadow Grey


Production Time:

  • Standard Sparkie: 4-6 months
  • Optional Add-On: Face-up (additional 1-2 months)


<< Important Notes >>

⚠️ Minor Imperfections:
Each Sparkie is handmade with love, and slight imperfections such as tiny black dots or bubbles may occur. These are considered part of Sparkie’s unique charm and are not defects.


⚠️ No Returns, Exchanges, or Refunds:
Please read and understand the product details before placing your order.


⚠️ For Perfectionists:
If you’re unable to accept minor imperfections, we kindly suggest reconsidering your purchase to avoid disappointment.