Loong Soul Qing Zhuang


Skin Color

Bust Size *

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Add Body Blushing?

Product price: $280.00
Total options: $0.00
Order total: $280.00

SKU: LSBudQingZhuang Categories: ,


[Category] (5)Bud(42~45)
[Gender] ♀
[Height] 42.5cm
[Head] 18cm
[Model Bust] S
[Eye] 12mm
[Full include] Qing Zhuang (bare), Wig WG4-1002, Eyes LH1007 (12mm), Outfit 42GC-0018 (Shoes included)
[Model Skin] French white

Qing Zhuang

60 Fullsets limited

Release Date: 27th February, 2019

From 27th February, 2019 to 15th March, 2019,

you can get 10% off for the basic set/fullset/outfit/accessories.

Single body toning doesn’t participate in the event.


Basic price:$280

Fullset price (make-up not included): $480

*Optional Parts*

Wig: WG4-1002: $45 (Sold with fullset)

Eyes: LH1007 (12mm): $20

Outfit: 42GC-0018 (Shoes included): $138

Make-up A: $50

Body blushing (default light): $30

The doll head cannot be purchased separately. The following images are for display only.