Premium Resin Eyes (by Storybrookeeyes): Pre-Order


For this order period, customers can choose to add a special “Christmas star” to their pre-orders. See product details below for examples.

Please note: 14mm/6mm and 12mm/6mm can’t include the Christmas star due to the smallness of the iris.

Out of stock

SKU: StorybrookeeyesPreOrder Categories: ,


High quality resin eyes by artist “Storybrookeeyes”.

We are the official international dealer for this artist’s eyes.


  • There are only 20 slots open this ordering period.
  • This ordering period is for pre-orders.
  • Pre-orders have limited customization. You can choose your desired eye size and iris size, along with a color-style from three available ones. Available color-styles change between pre-order periods.
  • The processing time is 1-2 months.

If you’re ok with the above points, please follow these instructions for custom eye orders.

  1. Choose your desired eye size and iris size. The available options are (eye size/iris size): 14mm/7mm, 16mm/8mm, 18mm/9mm, 12mm/6mm, 14mm/6mm, 16mm/7mm.
  2. Choose your desired style out of the three styles available for this month.




Christmas star

The images below are examples of the artist’s work.

This artist’s eyes have adorable cat paw stems.

For more examples of the artist’s work, please check out the artist’s instagram: