Loong Soul Bi Yue Wu


The fullset is only available for the B-G69-01 body (XXS/XS Bust).

Skin Color *

Add Face-up?

Add Body Blushing?

Product price: $485.00
Total options: $0.00
Order total: $485.00

SKU: LSGNetBiYueWu Categories: ,


[Category] (2)Grace(69~75)
[Gender] ♀
[Head] 19.8cm
[Full include] Bi Yue Wu (nude), Wig WG3-1019, Eyes P-0027 (14mm with smaller iris), Outfit 69GC-0028, Chinese Musical Instrument Pipa (no make-up), Hand part HG-69-03, Certification head plate, Authentication plate, Birth certificate, Mask, Official box
[Model Skin] French white

28 Lunar Mansions- Net Bi Yue Wu 

90 Fullsets limited

Unlimited basic sets

Release Date: 27th June, 2019

From 27th June, 2019 to 15th July, 2019,

Event A: You can get 10% off for Bi Yue Wu basic set and accessories.

Event B: You can get 10% off for Bi Yue Wu fullset and a pair of high-heeled feet as free gift.

PS: Pipa (no make-up) and 69cm female hand part HG-69-03 does not participate in any event.



Basic set with B-G63-03 body (2 torsos/3 torsos): $485

Basic set with B-G69-01 body (XXS/XS Bust, smaller neck circumference): $525

Fullset with B-G69-01 body (XXS/XS Bust, smaller neck circumference): $980


*Skin Color*

French white/French pink




Bi Yue Wu (nude), Wig WG3-1019, Eyes P-0027 (14mm with smaller iris), Outfit 69GC-0028, Chinese Musical Instrument Pipa (no make-up), Hand part HG-69-03, Certification head plate, Authentication plate, Birth certificate, Mask, Official box
*Optional Parts*

Wig: WG3-1019 (style wig): Sold with fullset

Wig: WG3-1020 (basic wig): $30

Eyes: P-0027 (14mm with smaller iris): $20

Outfit: 69GC-0028 (hair and waist accessories included, with tube top as free gift): $240

Make-up A: $60

Body blushing (default light): $40

69cm female high-heeled feet: $22

69cm female high-heeled legs: $60

Make-up for high-heeled feet/legs: $10

69cm female hand parts HG-69-03: $30 (The hands can only be purchased with Bi Yue Wu basic set, each pair for one doll. The hand parts don’t participate in any event.)

Make-up for hand parts: $10

Chinese Musical Instrument Pipa (FH012, no make-up): $100 (The Pipa can only be purchased with Bi Yue Wu basic set, each Pipa for one doll. The Pipa don’t participate in any event.)