Loong Soul Weichi Gong


Out of stock

SKU: LSGWeichiGong Categories: , ,


[Category] (2)Grace(69~75)
[Gender] ♂
[Head] 23cm
[Include] Basic Set: Weichi Gong(nude), Certification head plate, Authentication plate, Birth certificate, Mask, Official box
[Eye] Eyes: LH-PE0017(16mm with smaller iris)
[Full include] DFullset: Weichi Gong(nude), Wig LHWG3-S0039(style wig), Outfit 75BC-75a-0007, Shoes LH68SH-0002(size 75cm), Eyes LH-PE0017(16mm with smaller iris), Weapon LHAP-0047(two pieces, black, make-up A), Helmet LHAP-0048(black, make-up A), Arm guard LHAP-0049(black, make-up A), Shoulder armor LHAP-0050(black, make-up A), Certification head plate, Authentication plate, Birth certificate, Mask, Official box
[Model Skin] French wheat Brown

Weichi Gong Type A/Type B

 Release Date: 21st September, 2024

60 Type A/Type B Fullsets Limited

Sales Priod for Type A Fullsets/Type B Basic Sets/Type B Fullsets: 21st September, 2024- 21st December, 2024

Unlimited Type A Basic Sets

A type B head can be added to each type A basic set/fullset order.


*Skin Color*

French white/French yellow/French light rose/French real skin/French tan skin



Basic set (B-B75-01/B-B75-02-2M-N1 body, French resin): $640

Fullset (B-B75-01/B-B75-02-2M-N1 body,French resin, make-up not included): $1080

French real skin/French tan skin: $40


*Body Type*

Basic Set: B-B75-02-2M-N1(2 parts)/B-B75-13S01-01/B-B75-13M01-01


*It will take about 4-5 months to produce basic set with no make-up and 6-7 months for basic set with make-up.

*It will take about 8 months to produce fullset with/without make-up.

*It will take about 4 months to produce outfit and 4-5 months for resin parts with no make-up.

*The basic set/fullset with French real skin/French tan skin will take one more month to produce.


*Including *

Basic Set: Weichi Gong(nude), Certification head plate, Authentication plate, Birth certificate, Mask, Official box

Fullset: Weichi Gong(nude), Wig LHWG3-S0039(style wig), Outfit 75BC-75a-0007, Shoes LH68SH-0002(size 75cm), Eyes LH-PE0017(16mm with smaller iris), Weapon LHAP-0047(two pieces, black, make-up A), Helmet LHAP-0048(black, make-up A), Arm guard LHAP-0049(black, make-up A), Shoulder armor LHAP-0050(black, make-up A), Certification head plate, Authentication plate, Birth certificate, Mask, Official box


*The outfit and accessories which matches 75cm body could not be very suitable for body B-B73-02/B-B73-03.

*The doll shown in the images are in French real skin.

*The jointed hands shown in the images are not included in the basic set/fullset.

*The head of the doll which matches body B-B75-02-2M-N1 could not be very suitable for body B-B75-01.

*There’s brass wire inside the half coat. Please bend it gently.

*The two pieces of the weapon are not the same with each other.

*Please use the clothes and accessories with care.

*The patterns on the outfit are randomly printed.

*Please wear the arm guard and the shoulder armor after taking off the doll hand. And please wear the shoulder armor before wearing the top with one sleeve.

*The leathers and medals used for the outfit could age over time.