Ringdoll Guo Jia


The “special parts” option refers to the shoulder armor.

Out of stock

SKU: RDGGuoJia Categories: , ,


Time Limited: 30/01/2022~30/04/2022

Original Price: Fullset $789       Basic Doll $549

New Arrival Event

● $60 OFF: For Fullset (Event Price: $729)

● $30 OFF: For Basic Doll

● Purchase Fullset can get a Doll Stand for free

● Ordered any “The Order Of Devil Conqueror” Series Fullset before,
purchase Guo Jia Fullset can get the shoulder armors for free

(If you’ve bought any this series fullset before, you don’t need to buy the shoulder armors, you’ll get them for free)

* Body and resin color in pictures: RGMbody-3, normal skin;
*Girth of head: 19.5cm
* Dealers can take part in the activity.
* Layaway is acceptable. Click here for more information.
* The color in the image will be slightly different from the actual product, please understand.
* It takes 120-180 business days for production before shipment, if the cloth and the accessories is complicated,
the time will be longer, please understand.