Loong Soul Eleven Jr


The fullset is with body B-B68-01 only.

Out of stock

SKU: LSSpElevenJr Categories: , ,


[Category] (2)Grace(69~75)
[Gender] ♂
[Model Skin] French normal yellow

Eleven Jr

70 Fullsets Limited

Basic Sets Sales Period:July 17th, 2019-September 19th, 2019

From July 17th, 2019-August 5th, 2019,

you can get 10% for Eleven Jr basic set/fullset/accessories, and 7% for the outfit.
The new doll event can’t be combined with other events.



Basic set with B-B62-02 body: $485

Basic set with B-B68-01 body: $545

Fullset with B-B68-01 body: $940


*Skin Color*

French white/French yellow


*Optional Parts*

Wig: WG3-1021 (style wig): Sold with fullset

Wig: WG3-1022 (basic wig): $30

Eyes: LH-1005 (14mm with smaller iris): $24

Outfit: 68BC-0020 (280 sets limited including 70 sets for fullset, 100 sets in 73cm size and 110 sets in 68cm size): $185

Shoes 70S-0028: Sold with fullset

Make-up A: $60

Body blushing (default light): $40

Weapons (FH014, no make-up): $60 (Fullset includes weapons. One weapon set is available for each Eleven Jr basic set. Weapons don’t participate in any event.)

Hands part HB-68-04: $30

The doll head can’t be purchased separately. 
This page is only for display.