Loong Soul Big Poi


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SKU: LSPetBigPoi Categories: , , ,


[Eye] 18mm (Pet-Big Poi is only suitable for animetic eyes.)

Pet-Big Poi

Release Date: 29th April, 2022 20:00(GMT+8)

Basic set price: $115

PS: The make-up service is not offered for Pet-Big Poi.


Eyes: Animetic Eyes LH-1057 (18mm) (Pet-Big Poi is only suitable for animetic eyes.)


New Release Event

Period: 04.29.2022 20:00-05.05.2022 23.59(GMT+8)

Event 1: 20% off for Pet-Big Poi;
Event 2: A pair of eyes (LH-1057) as free gift for each Pet-Big Poi set.

PS:The gift can only be shipped with Pet-Big Poi set.