Dream Valley Aiden


Out of stock

SKU: DV1/6Aiden Categories: , ,


Designer: Mr. Jing 


Full-set $369 includes:

  • Nude doll(Glen-wolf head+B6-06 body) $239
  • Face-up $35
  • Ear and tail makeup $35
  • Wig(GW6-08)
  • Outfit(CT6-08$68
  • eyes(14mm random)


Additional purchase item

  • Full-set doesn’t include human part body blushing, it need extra $35.

*Human part body blushing including: red blushing at the joints of the arms, torso, and legs、black nail polish for hands and feet.

  • Nude doll or full-set can purchase additional human body parts:

B6-05 human hands $24,blushing(include black nail)$10

B6-05 human feet $24,blushing(include black nail)$10


Resin and skin color option:

The doll in promotion picture is in white resin.

Skin color: white, pink, normal,light tan and grey are available. light tan is half-translucent resin default, grey skin is special skin plaese add $55.


By different computer display, the pictures and objects will be slightly different, please make the object as the standard.

Height(include head)  39.5cm
Length of ear  10.cm
Height(without head)  26.5cm
Head circumference  16.5cm
Neck circumference  5.5cm
Shoulder length  6cm
Arm length  8.7cm
Upper arm circumference  3.3cm
Lower arm circumference  3.2cm
Wrist circumference   2.5cm
Chest circumference   10.5cm
Waistline  9cm
Hipline    12.5cm
Leg length  14.5cm
Thigh circumference  7cm
Calf circumference   5cm
Foot length  4cm
Foot breadth  1.5cm
Length of tail  24.5
Tail circumference (thickest circumference) 21cm
Eye size  14mm