DF-H 68cm Male Body


Resin Type

Product price: $420.00
Total options: $0.00
Order total: $420.00

SKU: DFHBody68CMBoy Categories: ,



  • Color matching service is available. To use this service, it’s preferable if you can send a resin color sample (i.e. head cap) to DF-H to match. They can also match based off of pictures but due to differences in monitor displays and printer quality, the results are less reliable matching from a picture than from a resin sample.
  • Domestic Chinese resin and imported resin are available. Imported resin has a better hardness and smoothness quality than domestic Chinese resin.

Height (including head): 68 cm
Neck Girth: 11 cm
Shoulder Width: 15.5 cm
Chest: 28 cm
Waist: 21 cm
Hip: 27.5 cm
Thigh Girth: 16 cm
Arm Length (not including hands): 21 cm
Leg Length (not including feet): 35.5 cm
Foot Length: 8 cm
Foot Width: 3 cm