Ordering period final date: December 15, 2021

Kaniboom Doll has released an adorable anthro sculpt, Red Panda Miao! Red Panda Miao is available as a head only. Kaniboom describes the head as a chubby baby category, which is normally 1/6 style heads in 1/4 scale. Miao is an anime-style head, along the same vein as Shoushou Doll Niko, Coco and Doudou.
Miao is available in cream and cream chocolate skins. Cream is similar to Volks semi-white and cream chocolate is similar to volks light tan. Recommended bodies for Miao are Puyoo Doll’s bear body, Shoushou Doll’s Kitty Coco/Bunny Doudou body, and the F4 split body.
Miao is available for a limited time. It is unknown if it will make a return in the future.