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[Dream Valley] The Legendary Chimera – Hylander Limited Ordering Period

Ordering period final date: September 23, 2024

Dream Valley has released a new fantasy doll, the chimera girl Hylander! Hylander is 1/4 scale (MSD size) and features Dream Valley’s newest BJD innovation: magnet legs! Changing out Hylander’s fantasy legs for human legs and back again is as simple as pulling each leg off and popping in the other type. Collectors may already be familiar with this sort of mechanism with magnet-on hands and feet. The upper leg joints are attached to the body via traditional elastic stringing, but the thigh attachment points are by magnet, and the internal structure within the thigh attachment points also makes for a very sturdy connection that will not break even with vigorous shaking. Each leg itself has conventional elastic stringing. Please check out the demo video for this new mechanism, which can be found on Hylander’s product page!

Hylander has a beast version head and a human version head. Ordering the nude doll allows for the choice of the beast version head or the human version head. The fullset can only be ordered with the beast version head, however ordering either the nude doll or the fullset allows for the addition of an extra head for only $25. The extra head will be in the same color as the doll, and face-up can be ordered for the extra head. The extra head includes horns.

Hylander’s nude doll can be ordered in wall white, white, normal, pink, light tan, and gray resins. Hylander’s fullset can only be ordered in wall white, white, normal, and pink resins.

The human leg parts do not come with Hylander by default, but can be added on for only $50. The human legs will be in the same color as the doll. Please note that these interchangeable legs are not guaranteed to be compatible with other dolls, although it’s likely that going forward new Dream Valley dolls will utilize this mechanism.

Hylander’s outfit is available for order separately.

Hylander is time-limited and will no longer be available after the ordering period closes. It is currently unknown if/when she will be re-released in the future.

The Legendary Chimera – Hylander
Dream Valley C4-45 (Hylander’s outfit)

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