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[DollZone] Tarot Series Star & Moon Limited Re-release

Ordering period final date: July 15, 2022

This post includes doll nudity and body horror.

DollZone has brought back a pair of dolls that haven’t been re-released in a long time! How long you ask? Longer than we’ve been around! 😆

The Star and The Moon are members of DollZone’s Tarot Series. They are available as nude dolls and fullsets. The fullsets are quantity-limited to 20 sets each worldwide. The nude doll is not quantity-limited. The Star and The Moon will go away again after their re-release period.

They can be ordered in white, peach, and moon white resins.

During this re-release, ordering The Star or The Moon will include a gift QiuQiu nude doll and a DollZone tarot book.

The Star
The Moon