Final date: May 28, 2021
DollZone released smaller versions of their Venus Halo and Mist Strayer dolls. The new girls are 1/6 scale (YoSD size) and feature an anime aesthetic.
Like their larger counterparts, Halo and Strayer both have a human version and a mechanical version. There’s the option to add on up to four pairs of option hands, with pointing gestures, fist hands, peace sign gestures, and heart hands.
The nude/basic dolls are not limited for the foreseeable future. However, the fullsets are time-limited and will be discontinued after May.
Important Information: These dolls are China-exclusive releases and thus are not officially approved for international sale. China-based international dealers started offering China-exclusive dolls via buying from DollZone’s Taobao store and reselling them internationally, or acquiring them from DZ by claiming that their sales are for China-only. DZ has advised its China-based dealers to clearly note that these dolls are China-exclusives, but other than that, It’s difficult for DZ to regulate these kinds of sales. DZ told us that they won’t be providing support for issues with these dolls sold internationally, for instance, broken or missing parts won’t be replaced, and there won’t be the option to purchase those parts separately by dealers or individuals.
To make things fair, Dollzone has allowed us to provide China-exclusive dolls to our customers, but it would be via us getting them through their Taobao store rather than through our normal dealer channels. What this means is that the restrictions mentioned above would apply to those purchased through us as well. While we will of course do our best to correct any possible issues, unlike normally we might not have the capacity to do so if DollZone refuses to sell replacement parts individually.
If you are a buyer outside of China, regardless of whether you purchase China-exclusive dolls directly from the company’s Chinese shop or from a dealer, all of the conditions in this section will apply.
Due to the above restriction, we are not given the usual leniency that we’re normally given for international releases. Please place your order by May 28th if you’re ordering a fullset to ensure that we have enough time to reserve your order for you.