Event final date: October 15, 2023
DollZone has released a new boy, Lucius! He is time-limited and will no longer be available after his release event ends. Lucius is discounted by 15% during his release event.
Lucius is released on a brand new 75 cm body, which can be ordered separately and is not limited, however it is discounted by 15% during Lucius’ release event. The new body has the option to choose between a normal chest and a bulkier chest.
DollZone also released a bunch of option parts for the new 75 cm body: Six different pairs of hands, two different pairs of feet, and six different types of genital parts (including some rather exotic designs).
Lucius’ head can be ordered separately. He has a human version head, which is his default, and a skeleton version head. Lucius’ head is discounted by 10% during his release event.
DollZone has also released a torso stand, the Heart of Thorns. This item is not limited, however it is discounted by 15% during Lucius’ release event. Ordering Lucius’ nude doll or fullset will let you purchase the combination of the Heart of Thorns and Skeleton version Lucius head at an additional 60% off. Please contact us if you’d like to use this discount.
Please note that Lucius’ fullset does not include the wings. The wings can be ordered separately.
Lucius’ outfit, shoulder armor, and crown can be ordered separately. All of these items are limited to Lucius’ Release Event period and are discounted by by 10%.
Lucius’ Wings
Lucius’ Outfit
Lucius’ Crown
Lucius’ Shoulder Armor
B75-001-01 Body
Option Hands for B75-001-01
Option Feet for B75-001-01
Genital Parts for B75-001-01