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[LUTS] 2021 Summer Event Round 2

Event final date: July 23, 2021

See this post for Round 1 details!

Round 2 of LUTS’ Summer Event this year brings us more time-limited dolls as well as unlimited dolls! All of them can be ordered in the event special skin colors and qualify for the event gifts!!! 😀

First up in the limiteds are two fantasy Model Delfs! Model Delfs are 1/4 scale (MSD size) and are LUTS’ mature mini line.

Larimar Romance Elf ver. is looking great in the limited lavender resin.

Raven Romance Elf ver. is so soft and elegant.

Another limited doll this event is Olive, who although is also 1/4 scale belongs to the Kid Delf line, which differs from the Model Delf line in having a less mature look.

The final limited releasing with Round 2 is a Senior Delf girl. Senior Delf is LUTS’ 1/3 scale (SD size). Diez, who have up until this day been a boy sculpt, is released as a girl. The sculpt’s versatility really shines with LUTS’ display of two different customizations.

What makes this version of Diez even more special is that at the same time LUTS has released the Senior65 Delf girl body, allowing you to make Lady Diez into a tall girl.

The unlimited new releases are the normal versions of Larimar and Raven, along with two new sculpts for the new Senior65 Delf girl line.

Like their limited romance elf versions, Larimar and Raven are Model Delfs.

The new tall ladies are Pheobe and Amber.

As always, you can order anything available from LUTS through us even if the items you’d like to order aren’t on our website yet. To order something not yet on our website, simply contact us! We’d be happy to add it for you or set up your order through e-mail. 😀

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